Dataships user permissions guide

For each teammate you can choose different permissions depending on their needs in the Dataships Control Panel. Below are the available permissions, and what they allow you to do.

  1. Owner - This role has the highest privilege's and usually belongs to the first person who created an account in Dataships Control Panel. This role can only be assigned to 1 team member at a time and they have full access to all features in Dataships. If you have multiple accounts/business in Dataships, known groups or domains, they are all controlled by this role. With this role you can create more accounts/business to add to your group/domain. This access permission also allows you to add more team members to the account. 

  2. Administrator - This role has similar permissions to the Owners role. However, it is possible to have multiple Administrators associated with one account in Control Panel. This account cannot add team members to the account. 

  3. User - This role is for restricted users and grants ready-only access. They can navigate through all parts of the Control Panel except the Secret Keys section in Account Settings > Password Key > Application Keys. They also have read-only access to Company profile i.e. they cannot change the company name / contact details etc.